Scents that jog happy childhood moments

Another one of Lise's random ramblings about something awesome


Mr. Sketch scented markers.

Easy-Bake Oven cakes and frosting.

Your grandfather’s aftershave or grandmother’s perfume/powder (and in my case, sherry and scotch)

New Barbie smell.

Coppertone, egg salad and other beach/picnic scents.

Vinyl (from your clear umbrella, your first bike's seat and handlebar streamers, …)

Fun Dip.

Elmer’s white glue.

Baby shampoo, baby powder, baby oil, baby lotion

Double Bubble, Hubba Bubba, Trading card gum, Bubbalicious…

Dusty, slightly burned smell of watching 8mm home movies or slides.

Eraser bits from Erasermate pens.

Fruit-flavoured lip gloss.

Chlorine, rubber dodge balls, chalk (for the balance beam, pummel horse or rings), floor mats and other YMCA-YWCA

Campfires and Hibachi barbecue briquettes.

Orange McDonald's drink from church events.

Scratch-n-sniff stickers.



  1. After sending these entries out via email for the past two months, I'm finally getting around to posting them on my old blog.

    You've asked for the chance to comment, so go wild, my friends!

  2. Yesterday, I wrote about another scent that jogs great memories. Check out my blog post on woodworkers.

  3. Yesterday, my sister Dorothy emailed me to say, "Flashback" re. the Readers Digest Playskills Kit.

    She can still smell the plastic sheet that went with this toy set we had when we were kids. I remember it too.


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